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Ursinus College


Theatre Studies


Theatre 400: Senior Seminar: The Living Newspaper


Theatre/Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies 315: Butches, Bitches, and Buggers: Modern Queer Drama


Theatre 301: History of World Theatre and Drama II


Theatre 300: History of World Theatre and Drama I


Theatre/Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies 215: Dramatic Dames: Plays By & About Women


Theatre 205: Text Detectives


Theatre 100: Introduction to Theatre


CIE 100: Common Intellectual Experience I


Theatre Practice


Theatre 275: Performance & Production


Theatre 001-008: Performance Practicum


Independent Studies & Summer Research Fellowships


Interdisciplinary Studies 491-492: Honors: Representations of Justice in Drama

Interdisciplinary Studies 491-492: Honors: Feminist Drama


Interdisciplinary Studies 491-492: Distinguished Honors: Adapting the Classics: Making the Invisible Visible


Theatre 491-492: Honors: Tools for Change: Theatre for Social Justice in Communities of Marginalized Youth


Interdisciplinary Studies 491-492: Honors: Pigeonholed: Representations of Autism in Drama


Interdisciplinary Studies 491: Lesbianism in American Culture, 1900-1950


Theatre 362: Directed Studies/Research in Theatre: Playwriting


Theatre 300W: History of World Theatre and Drama I


Theatre 301W: History of World Theatre and Drama II


Summer Fellowship: Pride and Prejudice: A Modern, Queer Retelling for the Stage


Summer Fellowship: Writing Resistance: Examining the Evolution of Feminist Ideology and Theory in Theatre Since the Second Wave


Summer Fellowship: The Art of the Story: An Introduction to Playwriting and Dramatic Adaptation


Summer Fellowship: Mystery & Magic: Playwriting in Theory and Practice


Summer Fellowship: Female Stage Comedy: History & Practice


Summer Fellowship: Theatre for Social Justice


Summer Fellowship: Theatre for Social Justice & Sexual Violence Prevention


Summer Fellowship: Bitter Bitches: Feminism, Theatre, & Dark Comedy


Summer Fellowship: Tools for Change: Theatre for Social Justice in Communities of Marginalized Youth


Summer Fellowship: (Fun)ction: Developing Games from a Narrative Standpoint

University of Southern Maine


Theatre Studies


Theatre 451: Sex, Violence, & Absurdity: An Exploration of Theatre of the Absurd


Theatre 360: Butches, Bitches, & Buggers: An Exploration of Modern Queer Drama


Theatre 353: Dramatic Literature and Theatre History III 


Theatre 351: Dramatic Literature and Theatre History I 


Theatre 199: Writing for Theatre


Theatre 150: Text Analysis 


Theatre 101: Introduction to Drama 


Theatre 101: Introduction to Theatre


Theatre Practice


Theatre 130-133 & 141-144: Theatre Workshop & Musical Theatre Workshop


Theatre 102: Acting for Non-Majors 


Independent Studies


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Student Teaching Assistantship for Introduction to Theatre


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Student Teaching Assistantship for Dramatic Literature & Theatre History, Origins-1500


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Theatre for Social Change & High School Teaching Assistantship


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Directing


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Student Teaching Assistantship for Text Analysis


Theatre 491: Independent Project: Dramaturgy


Theatre 490: Independent Study: Theatre Pedagogy in the High School Classroom


Theatre 490: Independent Study: Advanced Studies in Theatre History, Dramatic Literature, & Dramaturgy


Colgate University


English 359: Performance II 


English 254: Basic Acting 


Cornell University


Theatre 426: Adaptation: Text/Theatricality  [with Beth Milles]


Theatre 120/Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 121: Butches, Bitches, & Buggers: An Exploration of Twentieth-Century Queer Drama 


Theatre 113/Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 114: Has Breasts, Does Write: Women Writing Women 


Cornell University, Teaching Assistant


Film 396/German Studies 396: German Film  [Dr. David Bathrick]


Theatre 281: Acting I  [Alison Van Dyke]


English 276/ Theatre 278/Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies 276: Desire  [Dr. Ellis Hanson]


American Studies 202: Am. Popular Culture 1950-2000  [Dr. Glenn Altschuler]


American Studies 201: Am. Popular Culture 1900-1950  [Dr. Glenn Altschuler]


English 131: Bodies, Households, Nations  [Dr. Catherine Burroughs]


The People’s Light & Theatre Company, Teaching Assistant


Acting Workshop for Youths  [Leslie Hempling]


Acting Workshop for Teens  [various instructors] 

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