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adapted by Ellen McLaughlin

based on the play by Aristophanes

directed by Meghan Brodie


Set: Lauren Mills

Lights: Shannon Zura

Costumes: Millie Hiibel

Sound: Shannon Zura

Photography: Matthew Wright/Fig Tree Photography



Lysistrata: Bella Ragomo

Chorus Leader 1/Old Woman 1: Charlotte Rose Torres

Chorus Leader 2/Old Woman 2: Mya Drew Flood

Dipsas/Belphragia/Fisherwoman/Old Woman 3: Claire Hughes

Myrrhine/Ismenia: Samantha Hageman

Lampito: Skyler Gailing

Calonice: Kasey Chatburn

Magistrate: Christian Eagen

Cinemas: Rowan Davis

Geezer 1/Spartan Envoy: Robin Fraker

Geezer 2/Spartan Delegate: David Walters

Geezer 3: Ben Johnson




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